"A Torch Against the Night," sequel to "An Ember in the Ashes" by Sabaa Tahir, continues the gripping saga set in a ruthless, martial world. Laia and Elias, on the...
In "Assassin's Creed Unity" by Oliver Bowden, players are immersed in the tumultuous backdrop of the French Revolution as they step into the shoes of Arno Dorian, a young Assassin...
"Below The Belt" by Stuart Woods is a riveting mystery thriller that delves into the world of crime and corruption. Set against the backdrop of New York City, the novel...
"Destined To Fail by Saira Aquil delves into the intricacies of ambition, love, and the human spirit amidst adversity. Set against the backdrop of a bustling city, the novel follows...
"Fasana-e-Azad" is a classical Urdu novel written by Pandit Ratan Nath Sarshar and edited by Raees Ahmad Jafri. This literary masterpiece, known for its rich narrative and vivid depiction of...
Franz Kafka's "The Complete Stories" is a collection of influential literary works that delve into existential themes, bureaucratic absurdity, and profound alienation, showcasing Kafka's distinctive narrative style and psychological depth....
"Gathering Blue: A Companion to The Giver by Lois Lowry" is a compelling narrative that delves into a dystopian world where societal norms are challenged and individuality is both celebrated...
Jane Eyre, a novel by Charlotte Bronte, chronicles the life of its eponymous protagonist as she navigates through the societal constraints of Victorian England, grappling with issues of identity, morality,...
"Mushaf - مصحف" by Nimra Ahmed is a notable contemporary Urdu novel that intertwines spiritual themes with an engaging narrative. The story revolves around a profound exploration of faith, identity,...
Powerful: A Powerless Story by Lauren Roberts is a poignant narrative that delves into the intricate dynamics of power and its absence in human relationships. Set against a backdrop of...
"Pride and Prejudice," a classic novel by Jane Austen, explores the intricacies of 19th-century English society through the lens of Elizabeth Bennet, a spirited young woman, and her complex relationship...
"The Wise Man's Fear" by Patrick Rothfuss is the second installment in the epic fantasy series, "The Kingkiller Chronicle." This novel continues the riveting tale of Kvothe, a gifted young...
In "When in Rome" by Sarah Adams, readers are taken on a captivating journey through the streets of Rome, where the ancient city's allure intertwines with the modern lives of...
In "Wonder" by RJ Palacio, the narrative centers around August Pullman, a young boy with facial differences, as he navigates the challenges of fitting in at a new school and...